
26 Sep 2016

How to Raise Your Electronic Newsletter Conversions

There are a number of elements to consider when analyzing newsletter conversions, such as the target audience, brand image and type of product, all of which can alter the techniques and methods required to improve its conversion rate.

This article, although not specific to one area, provides general advice on how to improve your newsletter conversions, or at least give you food for thought.

Newsletter Conversions

Eye-Catching Subject Line

First, let’s take a look at what is no doubt the most important factor of any electronic newsletter, and that’s the subject line. Think back to your own experience with receiving emails from a company, or organization; how much of your decision to open the newsletter is made from the subject line alone?
Without an eye-catching subject line, your email might not get through the first hurdle, which is to be opened by the recipient. One particularly useful tip with the subject line is to incorporate the best part of the deal, or product within the wording, though this does depend on the type of business and promotional email being sent.

Concise and Snappy

While the temptation is to bundle the email full of your products, or services, often a much more successful technique when it comes to newsletter conversions, is to pick a couple of the best deals and focus on them.

Too much information means that little of it is likely to be taken in; keep the newsletter concise, prioritizing what you believe is the biggest draw, or catch for your clients.

Have an Incentive

An email simply reminding a customer that you still exist is likely to fall on deaf ears, or worse, they may unsubscribe.

Ensure that for every email sent out, there should be an incentive, or promotion attached, as this gives the email a purpose and the recipient a reason to consistently open your emails. These can range from large discounts through to free shipping, just as long as something is offered.

Keep It Light

The last tip for trying to raise newsletter conversions is to keep the tone light, possibly even humorous. Again, this depends on your target market and audience, though a little tasteful, non-offensive humour can be a good way to build up a connection with your customer base.

While you might not want to try all of the suggested tips at once, why not experiment with one, or two to see if you can raise the rate of your newsletter conversions?
